Job Search Platform

Job Search Platform

Job Search Platform Taps Softensity to Evaluate Tech, Advise and Build Innovative Apps


A company approached Softensity with an idea for a forward-thinking job search site that matches job seekers and employers based on both qualifications and company culture. A personal assessment tool designed with expert input from psychologists gamifies the process and helps both candidates and hiring managers find the right culture fit. The project includes a web-based platform for both employer and employee, along with an app for employees.


The company was interested in purchasing an existing application to use as a starting point for the employer side of the new platform in order to get to market faster. Prior to engaging with Softensity, the company contracted a cursory review of the code, and an evaluation based on a video demo. The determination was made that the app was ready for use and would be a good purchase. However, questions remained as no tests were performed, the app was not launched and there was no all-access, hands-on assessment.

The Solution

The founder of the job search platform was familiar with Softensity’s work, having been part of a company that Softensity has partnered with for years. When Softensity was contracted to build the innovative job search app, the company engaged the team’s project manager and lead architect to perform a thorough evaluation of the existing app under consideration. The firm looked to Softensity to determine if the app should be purchased and integrated, or a new app should be built from scratch.

Softensity’s highly experienced team spent a full month evaluating the existing app. As the team began to work on the infrastructure, they got a good look under the hood. The team uncovered a host of problems as they conducted a thorough, hands-on evaluation and attempted to set up the app. When the problematic app was finally deployed on a test run, it promptly crashed.

Softensity identified a number of inconsistencies and inefficiencies that made the app unstable, unreliable and unsecure. The app was extremely outdated and supported by contradictory information. This resulted in accessibility and communication issues, endless page loads, some strange UI, and validation issues. Ultimately, Softensity’s team advised the company that the risk was too high and the app was too unpredictable to integrate into the new product.

The Results

Softensity’s expert evaluation and advisory services ultimately saved the company time, resources and considerable investment. In advising against the purchase and integration of the problematic app, Softensity’s team helped the company build a superior product with better security, functionality and user experience.

Once the determination was made that the best course of action was to build the app from scratch, Softensity brought on a highly experienced team including a full-time project manager / business analyst, iOS developer, Android developer, automated QA engineer and UI / UX designer along with a part-time manual QA engineer. The project is expected to be complete by November, and will be live in the app store in January, 2022.